Shaders Settings (/ Water Shaders V2 / Water Surface)
Albedo Settings
Albedo Texture 1 - basic texture for water.
Albedo Color - main color of the water, but depends on "Albedo Intensity", "Albedo Contrast" and the colors of Albedo Textures. HDR.
Albedo 2 Enable - enable Albedo Texture 2, disabled by default. Texture 2 mixes with texture 1.
Albedo Texture 2 - secondary texture for water.
Albedo 2 Tiling - texture 2 tiling relative to texture 1.
Albedo 2 Flow - motion of texture 2 relative to motion of texture 1.
Brightness - overall intensity Albedo.
Contrast - overall albedo contrast
Glossiness - this is the amount of gloss.
Metallic - the metallic parameter of a material determines how “metal-like” the surface is. When a surface is more metallic, it reflects the environment more and its albedo colour becomes less visible.
Soft Factor - amount of water depth. Lower the value, the more transparent.
Normal Map Settings
Normal Map 1 - basic normal map texture 1 for water.
Normal Map 1 Strength - intensity of normal map texture 1.
Normal Map 2 Enable - enable mormal map texture 2, disabled by default. Normal map 2 mixes with normal map 1.
Normal Map 2 - secondary normal map for water.
Normal Map 2 Tiling - normal map 2 tiling relative to normal map 1.
Normal Map 2 Strength - intensity of normal map texture 2.
Normal Map 2 Flow - motion of normal map 2 relative to motion of normal map 1.
Micro Waves Enable - turn on micro waves. Micro waves depend on normal map 2.
Micro Waves Scale - size of micro waves.
Micro Waves Strength - intensity of micro waves.
Parallax Settings
Parallax Enable - enable parallax, disabled by default.
Parallax Amount - amount of parallax.
Parallax Flow - parallax flow rate.
Parallax Normal Map 2 Offset - degree of parallax offset for normal map 2.
Parallax Noise Gain - rigidity of parallax waves.
Parallax Noise Amplitude - height of parallax waves.
Parallax Noise Frequency - frequency of parallax waves.
Parallax Noise Scale - size of parallax waves.
Parallax Noise Lacunarity - lacunarity of parallax waves (gives the difference between waves).
Mirror Reflection Settings
Mirror Reflection Enable - enable real-time mirroring, disabled by default.
Mirror Reflection Color - sets the hue to reflections.
Mirror Reflection Depth Color - sets the shade of the depth reflections.
Reflection Strength - strength of reflections.
Reflection Saturation - reflection color saturation.
Reflection Contrast - reflection contrast.
Mirror FPOW - fresnel effect strength.
Mirror R0 - fresnel r0.
Reflections Wave Strength - pseudo-wave power on reflections.
Reflections Wave Scale - size of pseudo-wave on reflections.
Reflections Wave Flow - speed of pseudo-wave on reflections.
Foam Settings
Foam Enable - enable foam on the water near the shore, disabled by default.
Foam Color - foam color on water.
Foam Flow - foam speed on water.
Foam Gain - foam hardness on water.
Foam Amplitude - amount of foam on the water.
Foam Frequency - water foam frequency.
Foam Scale - foam size on water.
Foam Lacunarity - lacunarity foam on water.
Foam Soft - location of foam on water relative to the shore (x - beginning, y - end, z - dissolution).